South Lake Schools Online Learning Portal

Dear South Lake Schools Community:


As parents and guardians begin to face the reality of school being shut down through April 3, 2020, the question of schoolwork seems to be on everyone's mind.  Our administrative team and teachers our currently working on plans to provide supplemental learning opportunities, activities, and resources that families can utilize for engagement and enrichment during the mandatory closure.  They will collaborate virtually tomorrow to finalize a plan to get this information to our school community by the end of the week. 


Please keep in mind that these recommendations are not designed to replace the learning students would have otherwise experienced, but to engage students for the next three weeks.  The following parameters will also be observed as we make our plans:


·       Materials/activities are meant to supplement, not replace learning

·       Recommended supplemental materials will not be graded

·       Materials will be posted online through the South Lake Schools website (

·       Hard copies of materials will be available at the administrative offices


Please use the links on the right side of the page to access materials for your child.


Again, we would like to thank our community for your continued support.    



Theodore VonHiltmayer