Eighth Grade


These weekly activities are guidelines. Please, work at your own pace and do the work that you feel most comfortable with.


Week 1:

Make sure you are reading every day 30-60 minutes. After reading, write a quick one paragraph summary of what you read. If you do not have access to a book, you can find free books on the public domain at the Gutenberg Project. https://www.gutenberg.org/.


2-3 times per week, find an article online about anything that interests you. Try to determine why the author wrote the article and write a one paragraph analysis. Good websites to find articles can be found on the resources page.


Weekly, write in a journal to document what is going on in your life, and how you are feeling and coping during this time of social distancing. This can be used in the future as a primary source when this phenomenon is taught as part of our history.


Week one activities include reading passages and answering multiple choice and short answer questions focused on using context clues. You can download and print the entire PDF here: https://www.detroitk12.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=21432&dataid=32 098&FileName=iready-at-home-activity-packets-student-ela-grade-8-2020.pdf

Or you can print off the weekly activities from the attached PDFs.

Week 2:

Make sure you are reading every day 30-60 minutes. After reading, write a quick one

paragraph summary of what you read. If you do not have access to a book, you can find free books on the public domain at the Gutenberg Project. https://www.gutenberg.org/.


2-3 times per week, find an article online about anything that interests you. Try to determine why the author wrote the article and write a one paragraph analysis. Good websites to find articles can be found on the resources page.


Week two activities include reading passages and answering multiple choice and short answer questions focused on determining theme. You can download and print the entire PDF here: https://www.detroitk12.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=21432&dataid=32 098&FileName=iready-at-home-activity-packets-student-ela-grade-8-2020.pdf


Or you can print off the weekly activities from the attached PDFs.


Week 3: Make sure you are reading every day 30-60 minutes. After reading, write a quick one paragraph summary of what you read. If you do not have access to a book, you can find free books on the public domain at the Gutenberg Project. https://www.gutenberg.org/.

2-3 times per week, find an article online about anything that interests you. Try to determine why the author wrote the article and write a one paragraph analysis. Good websites to find articles can be found on the resources page.


Week three activities include reading passages and answering multiple choice and short answer questions focused on determining theme, also. You can download and print the entire PDF here: https://www.detroitk12.org/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=21432&dataid=32 098&FileName=iready-at-home-activity-packets-student-ela-grade-8-2020.pdf


Or you can print off the weekly activities from the attached PDFs.


Resources Page:




Great place to find articles. Most 6th grade students should have a log in and password to access the quizzes and questions.



Another resource for articles.

https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html Here is the access code for Scholastic:


Click on Student Login Access code: SLMS2020


Day-by-day cross curricular projects to keep kids reading, thinking, and growing: includes a free login for Book Flix & for Watch and Learn Library.

Timely articles with ideas for discussion http://www.kellygallagher.org/article-of-the-week


Do kids need ideas for their writer’s notebook? Take a tour of over 500 Art Galleries and Museums.



SLMS Math Department 

8th Grade Materials 



Mrs. Boylan                                           Mrs. Sahadi                                    Mr. Peddycord 

[email protected]                           [email protected]                    [email protected]  


Week 1

8th Grade Math

Let’s review working with Parallel Lines & Transversals on Khan Academy.


High School Algebra 1 students (6th hour):

Please refer to the Student Learning Portal on the South Lake website and go to High School Mathematics to find your practice.


Week 2

8th Grade Math

Now let’s take a look at Properties of Exponents and Negative Exponents on Khan Academy!

High School Algebra 1 students (6th hour):

Please refer to the Student Learning Portal on the South Lake website and go to High School Mathematics to find your practice.


Week 3

8th Grade Math

And finally, let’s practice Solving Equations on Khan Academy.

High School Algebra 1 students (6th hour):

Please refer to the Student Learning Portal on the South Lake website and go to High School Mathematics to find your practice.


Continue to enjoy family time by cooking, baking, playing games, puzzles, etc.   

Feel free to email us with any questions you may have.

Social Studies

Social Studies

Daily Current Events Assignment: CNN 10   https://www.cnn.com/cnn10  Current Event Summary Handout (PDF attached)



Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Week 1


History 8: Week 1

Click through each primary document/photo & think about why that time in U.S. History was called the "Second Middle Passage". Remember the original "Middle Passage" was the Triangle Slave Trade  (or Atlantic Slave Trade) importing slaves from Africa from 1500s-1800s by the millions.


Click below for the PDF:

Middle Passage PDF online


If time, watch this video explanation: https://youtu.be/BjATuaciHmI


Click on the document & read the questions at the end of it. Use the primary resources to help you answer the questions.


Click below for the PDF online:

Middle Passage reading & questions

Watch the video & think about how the first president of the United States contributed to the “Second Middle Passage”


Click below for the video:





Week 2



Immigration: Look through each of the documents discussing Irish immigration to the United States in the mid-1800s.  Consider the following question: Where the Irish considered “white” in America at this time?  Remember that Ireland experienced a major famine which forced millions of people to leave and that nativism (belief that people originally from a place are superior to those who move there) was a popular idea.


Click below for the PDF:

Irish Immigration PDF online



Click on the document and read through the questionsUse each primary source to answer the questions. Using the evidence provided in the documents answer the central question in your own words.


Click below for the PDF online:

 Irish Immigration Questions and Text



Extension: Click here to take a short quiz about immigration in the U.S. today.  Record how you did. 


Click on the document and follow the directions to complete the second part of the activity. 


Click below for the PDF online:

Immigration Today Activity

Article Link:

Ten Myths Reading

Week 3

The Constitution: Read pages 1-4 (skip the teacher talk and preamble activity).  Take notes on the reading if it helps you, otherwise work through worksheet pages 1-2 and the page titled Active Review Projection Master.  Check your answers on the teachers guide when you’re done (try not to peek). 


Click below for the PDF:

Anatomy of the Constitution PDF online


The Bill of Rights:

Read the attached simplified Bill of Rights.

Make an account on icivics.com.

Go to the link for the game to play with lawyers solving cases about rights in the Bill of Rights.

Play the game 1-2 times.  It may take a try to understand how it all works but it is a good review for the first 10 amendments.


Simplified Bill of Rights


Link for game:

Bill of Rights Game


Bill of Rights Continued:  Use the simplified Bill of Rights below.


Look at pages named: Study Guide Side A and Study Guide Side B (skip the first five pages). 


Write the meaning of the pictures on the lines provided.  Each picture has the number amendment it refers to above it.


Simplified Bill of Rights:

Simplified Bill of Rights


Click Below for the PDF:






Remote Learning - Online Supplemental Resources for Enrichment and Review


Dear Students,

You may be feeling antsy about missing classes but have no fear. Below are online resources to extend your science learning about content we had previously gone over in class. You need to stay sharp and stay on top of your academic game! Any questions or concerns, please email me: [email protected]


Week 1: Fossil Fuels

PBS Reviews Fossil Fuels with you:
Read - Background Reading on Fossil Fuels


Watch - Short video on fossil fuels:


Consider - Questions on Fossil Fuels
  1. Does the relatively low cost of fossil fuels outweigh any limitations of this resource?
  2. Should fossil fuels remain the mainstay of our energy mix in the US? Is it worth exploring alternatives?
  3. What role do you think fossil fuels will play in our energy mix fifty years from now?
  4. What are three ways you use fossil fuels on a daily basis?
Kahn Acadamy Fossil Fuels review:


Quizlet Fossil Fuels Activities
Practice: Review and reinforce your knowledge by completing the STUDY and PLAY activities in this Fossil Fuel Quizlet



Week 2: Earth’s Layers

Lumen Geology Reviews the Layers of the Earth with you:
Read - Background Reading on Layers of the Earth


Consider - Questions on the Layers of the Earth
  1. What is the difference between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere?
  2. Why is it difficult to determine Earth’s inner structure?
  3. What has been the most useful method for determining the structure of the earth's interior?
Kahn Acadamy Layers of the Earth review:
Watch -Short video lesson on the Layers of the Earth


Quizlet Earth’s Layers Activities
Practice: Review and reinforce your knowledge by completing the STUDY and PLAY activities in this Earth’s Layers Quizlet



Week 3: Hydrologic Cycle

Britannica Reviews the Hydrologic Cycle with you:
Read - Background Reading on the Hydrologic Cycle


Watch - Short videos on the Hydrologic Cycle
Consider- Questions on Hydrologic Cycle
  1. What is evapotranspiration?
  2. Why does the hydrologic cycle have to occur in a certain order?
  3. What happens to the molecules in water to allow for the molecules to change state?
Quizlet Hydrologic Cycle Activities
Practice: Review and reinforce your knowledge by completing the STUDY and PLAY activities in this Hydrologic Cycle Quizlet




Extra, Extra For You and your families:


This activity is eggcellent:



Need an activity to get you moving? You can find something to suit your fancy here:



If museums are your thing, check out this article for links to museums around the world:
