Teaching and Learning » Assessment


South Lake Schools provides a comprehensive assessment system for students that teachers use to tailor instruction to meet the needs of all learners. Assessments include formative, common, growth, screening, college entrance, and state assessments.
Formative Assessments: 
Formative assessments are teacher created assessments that provide immediate feedback that the teacher uses to adjust instruction and ensure that all students have learned the content. 
Common Assessments:
Common assessments are assessments created by a group of teachers that are teaching the same content. Students are given the common assessment at the end of the current learning cycle to measure the learning. The information is then used by each teacher to identify areas of re-teaching and as a method to evaluate and improve the instruction for the future.
Growth Assessments:
South Lake Schools is using the NWEA MAP test in grades K - 8 in mathematics, reading, and language usage. We are also using the science assessment in grade 6 - 8. The MAP tests measures students growth from the fall to winter, and winter to spring as compared to a national cohort. Teachers and students use the information from the NWEA to set goals and identify areas for intervention.
Screening Assessments:
South Lake is using the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Next assessment in grade K - 5. The DIBELS assessment is used to identify specific areas of reading where students need additional support. 
College Entrance Assessments:
The assessment system at the high school centers around the College Board suite of assessments. All students in 9 - 11 take a PSAT/SAT in the fall and the spring annually. This information is used by teachers and students to help prepare students to be college and career ready.
State Assessments:
Student Online TestingEach spring students in South Lake take the required assessments from the State of Michigan called theM-STEP. The M-STEP is given in grades 3 - 8 in Mathematics and English Language Arts. In addition, students in grades 5, 8, and 11 take M-STEP assessments in Science and Social Studies. State assessments are used to inform the community, the school district, and the State in how the districts programs are impacting the learning of students. For more information on the M-STEP assessments see the links below provided by the State of Michigan.
If you have any questions about testing in South Lake, please talk to your child's principal or contact the Curriculum Office at 586.435.1640.