High School

Secondary Curriculum


Beginning with the Class of 2025 - 2027

Students must meet the following graduation requirements established by the South Lake Schools Board of Education and the Michigan Department of Education in order to receive a diploma from South Lake Schools. All students must earn a total of 22.5 credits to graduate with 18 credits in the following areas:


English Language Arts (4 credits)

  • ELA 9A/B or Honors ELA 9A/B
  • ELA 10A/B or Honors ELA 10A/B
  • ELA 11A/B or Honors ELA 11A/B
  • ELA 12A/B or Honors ELA 12A/B

Mathematics (4 credits)

  • Algebra 1A/B
  • Geometry A/B or
  • Algebra 2A/B or Advanced Algebra 2A/B
  • Math Elective

Science (3 credits)

  • Biology 1/2 or Honors Biology 1/2
  • Applied Chemistry (1/2 credit) and Science Elective (1/2 credit) OR Chemistry 1/2
  • Applied Physics 1/2 OR Honors Physics 1/2

Social Studies (3 credits)

  • United States History & Geography 1/2 OR AP United States History 1/2 (1 credit)
  • World History & Geography 1/2 (1 credit) OR Honors World History 1/2
  • Government (1/2 credit) OR AP Government 1/2 (1 credit)
  • Economics (1/2 credit)

Physical Education (1 credit)

  • Physical Education 2 (1/2 credit)
  • Health PE 1 (1/2 credit)

Visual, Performing, or Applied Arts (1 credit)

  • Introductory Art 1/2
  • Digital Photography 1/2
  • Concert Band 1/2
  • Symphony Band 1/2
  • Jazz Band 1/2
  • Choir 1/2
  • Musical Performing Arts 1/2
  • Hospitality & Culinary Arts 1/2
  • Marketing 1/2
  • Auto Brakes & Engine 1/2
  • Auto Electronics & Suspension 1/2

Foreign Language (2 credits)

  • Spanish 1A/B and Spanish 2A/B
  • Mandarin 1A/B and Mandarin 2A/B
  • Two years of foreign language do not have to be earned consecutively but must be in the same language.

Electives (4.5 credits)

The remaining credits are comprised of elective courses chosen by the student in collaboration with his/her parent/guardian and school counselor.


Service-Learning Hours

Students must earn a minimum of 20 service-learning hours by the end of their http://buytramadolbest.com senior year to qualify for graduation.


Online Learning Experience

Students must have at least one online learning experience by the end of their senior year to qualify for graduation.


Math or Math Related Course

Students must successfully complete a math or math related course in their senior year to qualify for graduation. This course may be one of the 4 credits of required mathematics courses or one of the following math related courses.

  • Hospitality & Culinary Arts 1/2
  • Auto Brakes & Engine 1/2
  • Auto Electronics & Suspension 1/2


Students must attend 8 semesters of high school to qualify for graduation unless the student has a plan for early graduation approved by the high school principal.



Beginning with the Class of 2028


Credits - students must earn a minimum of 22.5 credits to graduate with 18.0 of those credits earned in the subject areas listed below.


English, four (4) credits total, need (1) credit each year.

English 9A & 9B – one (1) credit OR Honors English 9A & 9B – one (1) credit

English 10A & 10B – one (1) credit OR Honors English 10A & 10B – one (1) credit

English 11A & 11B – one (1) credit OR AP Language – one (1) credit

English 12A & 12B – one (1) credit OR AP Literature – one (1) credit


Mathematics, four (4) credits total. Students must attain math credits in:

Algebra 1 – one (1) credit

Algebra 2 – one (1) credit

Geometry – one (1) credit

Mathematics elective or related course – one (1) course MUST be taken in senior year.


Science, three (3) credits total.

Biology 1A & 1B – one (1) credit

Chemistry 1A & 1B – one (1) credit

Physics 1A & 1B OR AP Physics 1A & 1B – one (1) credit


Note: Students taking AP Physics or AP Chemistry must complete a college prep science elective prior to enrolling.


Social Studies, three (3) credits total. Students must attain three credits in:

World History 1A & 1B – one (1) credit

United States History 1A & 1B – one (1) credit OR AP United States History 1A & 1B – one (1) credit

Government – one half (1/2) credit and Economics – one half (1/2) credit OR AP Government 1A & 1B – one (1) credit Economics – one half (1/2) credit


Physical Education, one (1) credit total

Physical Education 2 – one half (1/2) credit AND Health PE 1 – one half (1/2) credit


Visual, Performing, or Applied Arts (VPAA), one (1) credit

Introductory Art 1A & 1B

Concert Band 1A & 1B

Digital Photography 1A & 1B

Symphony Band 1A & 1B

Hospitality & Culinary Arts 1A & 1B

Choir 1A & 1B

Hospitality & Culinary Arts 2A & 2B

Musical Performing Arts 1A & 1B

Automotive Brake & Engine 1A & 1B


Automotive Electronic & Suspension 1A & 1B



World Language, two (2) credits total

Two years of foreign language do not need to be accumulated consecutively, but these credits must be the same foreign language.


Note: students may fulfill 1 credit of this requirement by completing at least one (1) credit in a formal career and technical education program or by completing one (1) credit in visual, performing, or applied arts that is in addition to the VPAA requirement above.


Personal Finance – one half (1/2) credit.


Note: Personal Finance will fulfill one half (1/2) credit of mathematics, or visual, performing or applied arts, or world language 


Cavalier Connections

All students are enrolled in Cavalier Connections each year and receive one quarter (1/4) credit for the completion of each semester. Activities include social/emotional learning, teambuilding, relationship building, mentoring, and academic support.



The remaining four and one half (4 1/2) credits are comprised of elective courses chosen by the student in collaboration with his/her counselor and parent/guardian.


Michigan Merit Examination

All students must complete the Michigan Merit Examination that includes the SAT, the ACT WorkKeys, and M-STEP assessments in science and social studies.


Eight Semesters of Attendance

Students must attend eight (8) semesters of high school to qualify for graduation (the exception would be those students who have a plan for early graduation on file with the principal).


Service-Learning Hours

Students must earn a minimum of twenty (20) Service-Learning hours by the end of their senior year to qualify for graduation.


Any waiver of the above requirements may be made only with the approval of the principal. Students who do not graduate at the regular time because of lack of credits will receive their diplomas when they have satisfactorily completed these requirements.


Personal Curriculum

A student, parent/guardian, or a student’s counselor/teacher may request a personal curriculum to modify graduation requirements in order to:

  • Go beyond academic requirements by adding more mathematics, science, English language arts, or world language requirements; or to complete a department soma no prescription approved formal career and technical education program.
  • Modify the State content standards for mathematics
  • Modify, when necessary, the credit requirements of a student with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
  • Modify credit requirements for a student who transfers from out of state or from a nonpublic school and is unable to meet the MMC requirements

More information can be found concerning Personal Curriculum on the Michigan Department of Education’s website HERE

Students or parents/guardians who want to explore the possibility of a personal curriculum should make an appointment with their school counselor.