Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Tier I: A core curriculum including effective classroom interventions available to students that meet the needs of most students. ALL students receive the core curriculum and instruction in their regular education classrooms as well as School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (SW-PBIS). The teachers work with all students at their individual levels.
Tier II: Targeted, small group interventions (typically facilitated outside of the core curriculum or by grouping students in similar instructional level groups). ALL students receive core curriculum and instruction in their regular education classrooms. The school provides targeted interventions to students who need more support in addition to what they are receiving in their general education classroom.
Tier III: Intense, individual interventions (more explicit, typically longer and focused on remediation). Students in this tier receive more intensive interventions. They receive the core curriculum in their general education classroom but need more intensive intervention on basic skills that usually requires an individual learning or behavior plan.
If your child is identified as needing tiered instructional support(s), you will be notified by the school to keep you informed of what interventions are being implemented as well as gather needed input about your child so that we can provide the very best services to meet your child's needs.
If you have any questions about the MTSS process in South Lake Schools, please contact the Curriculum Office at 586.435.1640.