Teaching and Learning » Third Grade

Third Grade

Language Arts


The Language Arts curriculum for 3rd grade consists of three 45-minute blocks of time totaling 135 instructional minutes. The daily Bookworms schedule includes shared reading the targets fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension; English Language Arts that targets grammar, writing, vocabulary, comprehension, and discussion; and differentiated instruction that is diagnostically driven instruction that targets foundational skills at an individual level. 


Students are also explicitly taught phonetic skill through daily application of blending, dictation, word building, and word sorts.


Students are also provided instruction in handwriting to develop the fine-motor skills to accurately form letters, numbers, and words. 


The mathematics curriculum for 3rd grade consists of a daily 60-minute block of time. Students learn the following concepts:
  • Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.
  • Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.
  • Multiply and divide within 100.
  • Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. 
  • Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.
  • Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.
  • Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects.
  • Represent and interpret data
  • Understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition. 
  • Recognize perimeter as an attribute of place figures and distinguish between linear and area measurements. 
  • Reason with shapes and their attributes. 
Social Studies
Physical Education

Students go to Physical Education class for 50 minutes per week. During these classes students are given opportunities to develop Gross Motor skills and coordination. A variety of objects used in physical education will assist students’ development of eye, hand, and foot coordination. Students will be assessed on some locomotor skills, movements and actions. Students will also develop positive characteristics and attitudes conducive to physical fitness through exercise and activities. Through organized activities and game play, students develop a sense of fair play, and cooperation with others. Fitness components consist of but are not limited to endurance, upper body strength, core strength and flexibility.

Visual Art

The visual art curriculum for kindergarten in a full-day setting is taught by a visual art specialist. This highly structured, sequential framework has been specially designed to provide developmentally appropriate skills and knowledge while honing creativity, appreciation, historical understanding, and the ability to discuss and analyze art. In kindergarten, students will develop an awareness of two- and three-dimensional forms, manipulate art tools, be exposed to famous works of art, and learn to use a wide array of art materials. Throughout the year, student art may be displayed in individual school buildings and throughout the community.

Vocal Music

An elementary music specialist teaches Vocal/general music to all elementary students. Students learn to make and respond to music through age-appropriate songs, dances, and activities. Basic instruction includes: Exploring their singing voices and other sounds; keeping a steady beat utilizing physical movement, dances, games, and rhythm instruments; learning a variety of traditional songs; and creating cultural awareness through songs, instruments, and ethnic dances. 


An elementary technology teacher teaches 3rd grade students the beginning of digital citizenship, typing, how technology is used in our world, how to create and communicate with technology, as well as research and problem solving with technology. 3rd grade students have technology once per week for 50 minutes.

Foreign Language

Elementary students in South Lake are taught Spanish.